Connect your business data with Business Intelligence and analytics software

LUCA BDS is a modular solution that can be installed both in your organization and in the cloud. It only requires a simple set up by your company's IT department

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Software de análisis e inteligencia de negocio
Comparte datos

Share data

Enable everyone in the company to generate processable information with self-service analysis.

Confía en tus datos

Trust your data

Take advantage of a single, secure and reliable source from all your data sources in one centralized common point.

Establece una cultura de datos

Create a data-driven culture

Develop data-driven workflows and the decision making process to increase organizational efficiency.

Ve más rápido


Reduce manual tasks to a minimum and get faster, more accurate answers to urgent business questions.


More flexibility

Enjoy a scalable SaaS BI solution with reliable access from anywhere, anytime and on any device.

Get a complete picture of your entire business









Set up a connection to a database

Quickly set up data access.
Run the same reports on multiple environments simultaneously (development, production, quality…)
Manage access by user.

Conexión a una base de datos
Único origen de datos

Single data source

Dynamically integrates, transforms, merges and displays data from any source in a single tool.
Brings together data from different sources into a unified view so that everyone can see the full cycle of all information.

Groups business reports

Turn data into real-time charts to drive decision making at all levels of the organization.
User-configurable access.

Agrupa informes de negocio