Customized BI applications
Organize your searches, charts, dashboards... In personalized menus, for business users, with intelligent applications that use your data for informed decisions

Features of your customized BI

No third-party licenses are required.

Developed on a multi-platform, multi-language environment.

Configuration of styles for your organization (CSS).

Multiple authentication providers (Active directory, Single Sign On, Microsoft 365,…).

Authorization fully managed in the tool.

Access policies per profile.

Configuration of accesses to the environment or dynamic system.

Dynamically generated roles.

Visibility and access controlled by use cases.

Connector-based access to information.

Traceability of access, searches and users.

Fast browsing between different systems by a centralized common point.

Data: At the center of all your business decisions with custom BI applications
When it’s time to organize your data, create a custom BI application with bespoke menus with links to LUCA BDS elements, whether they be dashboards, charts, searches,…
Create your modules, charts and update your data to be able to perform your own analyses. This way, you can foster an analytical culture in your organization.